Saturday, May 24, 2008

'Little Lenka' Lives!

And she lives one hour away from me here in America! And she's going to the Czech Republic for the summer!

I wrote about the young Czecho woman who came to live with my family on May 2nd and May 4th (I'll create links when Blogger gets that feature fixed). At the time Lenka came to live with my family, she was a teenager and Communism had been gone from the country just three years. We lost touch and haven't spoke in SEVEN years.

I am going to visit her on Sunday and meet her husband and two kids. Lenka has two kids! She is now actually the age I was when she came to live with me. Half of her life has now been spent in America. She says "how did you have me come live with you? We have family come live with us every summer because everyone is overseas and it's hard. I don't do well with that. I am more selfish than that." I chuckled. The greatest joy is when you hear former teenagers acknowledge your parental thinking occasionally. I can't wait to hear it in my own kids.

Lenka and I are going to try and surprise her mom with a visual Skype call or at the very least a regular old phone call. That will completely freak Hana, her mom, out.

This is going to be fun!

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